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Suitable for
Volvo OE Reference Number: 22435058, 20820494
Part Number: SEN-5058

Category: Instruments, contacts & sensors
Weight: 0,075kg
AVAILABILITY:   Stock status100+ In Stock InStock
100,24 EUR Exl. VAT



Prices are EX-WORKS. They may vary between markets. They do not include freight, customs or VAT costs

Suitable for

Volvo Off Road
ABG5770, ABG5820, ABG5870, ABG6820
ABG6870, ABG7820, ABG7820B, ABG8820
ABG8820B, DD110B, DD120B, DD120C
DD128C, DD140B, DD140C, EC140C L
EC140C LM, EC140D L, EC140D LM, EC140E L
EC140E LM, EC160C L, EC160C NL, EC160D L
EC160D NL, EC160E L, EC160E NL, EC170D L
EC170D, EC180C L, EC180D L, EC180E L
EC200B, EC200D AG, EC200D, EC200E AG
EC200E L, EC200E NL, EC200E S, EC210B F
EC210B LC, EC210B LR, EC210B NC, EC210B NLC
EC210B, EC210C L, EC210C LD, EC210C LR
EC210C N, EC210C NL, EC210D L, EC210D LR
EC210D, EC210E LHDS, EC210E S, EC220D L
EC220D LR, EC220D N, EC220D NL, EC220D
EC220E L, EC220E LHDS, EC220E LR, EC220E LS
EC220E N, EC220E NH, EC220E NL, EC235C LD
EC235C NL, EC235D NL, EC240B FX, EC240B LC
EC240B LR, EC240B NLC, EC240C L, EC240C LD
EC240C LR, EC240C NL, EC250D L, EC250D LR
EC250D NL, EC250D, EC290B FX, EC290B LC
EC290B LR, EC290B NLC, EC290C L, EC290C LD
EC290C LR, EC290C NL, EC300D L, EC300D LD
EC300D LR, EC300D NL, ECR145C L, ECR145D L
ECR145E L, ECR145E LM, ECR235C L, ECR235D L
ECR235E L, ECR305C L, EW140C, EW140D
EW140E, EW145B, EW150E, EW160C
EW160D, EW160E, EW180C, EW180D
EW180E, EW200E MH, EW205E, EW210C
EW210D, EW220E, EW230C, EW240E MH
EWR130E, EWR150E, EWR170E, FC2121C
FC2421C, FC2924C, FC3329C, G930
G940, G946, G960, G970
G976, G990, L105, L110E
L110F, L120E, L120F, L120G Z
L45G, L45H, L50G, L50H
L60F, L60G, L60G Z, L60H
L70F, L70G, L70H, L90F
L90G, L90G Z, L90H, MW500
P5110B, P5170B, P5770C ABG, P5870C ABG
P6720D L, P6820C ABG, P6820D L, P6820D
P6870C ABG, P6870D, P7320D, P7820C ABG
P7820D L, P7820D, P7920D, P8720B
P8820C ABG, P8820D L, P8820D, PL3005D
SD115, SD115B, SD135, SD135B
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